MOU/MOA & Collaborations

MOU-MOA & Collaborations

Shinawatra University (SIU), is a dynamic private university in Thailand that fosters innovation, academic excellence, and a strong international perspective.

Beyond Borders: Building Knowledge Together

In an era of unprecedented global interconnectedness, the ability to navigate diverse cultural landscapes and collaborate effectively across borders is more crucial than ever. Recognizing this, SIU’s of International Affairs and Research and Innovation Center recently conducted a transformative workshop entitled “Beyond Borders: Building Knowledge Together.” This week-long intensive program equipped their staff with the essential skills and perspectives needed to thrive in an international and intercultural work environment. The workshop began by establishing a shared understanding of the department’s strategic objectives and key performance indicators, fostering a collective sense of purpose and alignment among participants. read more

The students from Assam Downtown University, India, on their Study Tour.

18th – 24th May 2024 we had a privilege to receive the students from Assam Downtown University, India, on their Study Tour. Organized by SIU International Affairs Department in collaboration with SIU Language and Lifelong Learning Center, FoLA, and Academy of Arts and Philosophy with the help of our MBA International Students, the event turned out to be a success. The visiting students could explore Thailand touching its culture, cuisine and experience immersion into Thai and Shinawatra University lives firsthand. We hope to have more activities like this in the future. All our partners are welcome to Thailand, welcome to Shinawatra University!



